Loes Schakenbos, Imcah

Specially designed for the HUBS IMMERSIVE Festival, FACING enhances and questions our capacity to perceive beyond appearance. A perceptual metaphor of human interactions.

to disconnect is
to understand the intensity of the lost connection
what was once one
falls and breaks apart
all one can see now
are the deep traces of a shared existence
where can those remnants be found


Loes Schakenbos
Light is part of everybody’s daily life. As it is the rhythm of our days, for Loes light became the base of her life; from light design for international dance performances to photography and creating light sculptures floating on water. The one thing that connects all these ways of expressing herself is the influence of nature, always trying to recreate the beauty that is shown to us every day.

Imcah is a versatile artist. Touching different art forms and contexts (in solo or in close collaboration) procures curiosity, playfulness and a connection to instinctiveness. Captivated to make the invisible visible, Imcah finds freedom of action by associating it to the hummingbird metaphor.

Roel Heremans
Heremans abstracts properties of the medium of radio to create choreographic mental experiences. He uses location-specific, architectural patterns to create temporary spaces in which sound stimulates thought processes and changes visual perception. Heremans examines how a system of collective thinking relates to the specific place in which that system is located.

concept and realisation: Loes Schakenbos, Imcah
light design: Loes Schakenbos
text: Roel Heremans

Loes Schakenbos, Imcah has been invited by MEYER-CHAFFAUD